Hello and welcome to my website. I’m an author with a unique style of writing that draws on over 30 years of combined military Special Operations and other special service experience in some of the worlds most deadly locations. MANTRA-6 is a new series of Thriller / Espionage novels following SAS legend John Devereaux. Each novel in the series is based on a mission focusing on SAS and ASIS clandestine operations, providing a reading experience unlike any other. I’m so appreciative and delighted by the positive support my work has and is receiving. I’m looking forward to sharing my future stories as they come to fruition.
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MANTRA-6 'CHILLI' is well underway in the writing phase. So stay tuned for updates

Born in Perth, Western Australia, Russel is a former SAS Warrant Officer with over 20 years’ service in the Regiment. Russel has operated in many of the world’s troubled areas and most recently performed the role as a military adviser and provided other information collection services to a US-based company operating in Afghanistan. He draws on decades of experience in the SAS and
within the intelligence collection sphere to write the MANTRA-6 series with the utmost of authenticity and credibility. Russel is now retired and concentrating on a writing career in the genre of fast-paced espionage novels.